I am based in Gilleleje, Denmark (an hour north of Copenhagen). I live with my wife and two kids. I am available for consulting projects and other time-limited work, such as model development, advising, and speaking engagements. I do not currently accept offers for permanent positions.

I am an expert on

  • Data visualization: I build beautiful interactive data visualizations from scratch. I deploy things in pure JS, HTML and CSS, sometimes using a lightweight web framework—like Svelte—depending on scale. Portfolio examples on my blog (titles with Viz). I enjoy putting data science on the web.
  • Solving applied math problems with code: I have years of experience as an academic data scientist in a wide range of domains, which means that by now I've solved enough practical problems to know how to start solving almost any problem. If you struggle with a difficult but well defined problem I will probably be able to look at it, determine the effort required and maybe work it out. I am particularly good at solving clustering problems, optimizing supervised machine learning algorithms, making Bayesian and frequentist statistical inference, and running simulations. I have domain expertise with various types of data: network (social, neural, informational, biological), text, mobility, marketing, financial, and more.
  • Scientific software development: I have built several small and large pieces of scientific software that I, for the most part, open source so people can use it in their research and business. See for example Infostop and Netwulf. I like to build packages with Python interfaces, but I am comfortable with C++ and JavaScript too. So let's imagine that you need a package for fitting a specific type of model to some data, making a certain type of interactive plot, or running a standard scraping/preprocessing/transformation procedure. I know about such things.
  • Speaking engagements: I have presented at 20+ events (that I can count) and taught seven university courses for (in aggregate) thousands of students over four years. And I am a pretty good communicator (see this, this, this, and Awards and stipends in my CV). I can give high-level talks about, for example, the value of data, the benefit of data visualization, data science and its applications, and ethics (e.g. responsible AI and unbiased machine learning). I also give more technical lectures explaining concepts in machine learning, AI, network science, complex systems, general data science, marketing analytics etc., tailored to a level of abstraction that will maximise audience engagement.


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