
I am an independent data science consultant. These days I mainly work on problems related to marketing measurement, specifically Bayesian MMM and CLV modeling, and most of my consulting happens through PyMC Labs.

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I (b. 1990) am a data scientist made of 20% physics, 40% applied mathematics, 30% software engineering and 10% stupid questions.

I was a postdoc and PhD student at DTU Compute and the Center for Social Data Science in Sune Lehmann's lab. We published papers on community detection in temporal networks, user behavior in online platforms and human mobility. Some of it got published in a fancy journal. I worked on the HOPE project and built a comprehensive mobility tracking site. I was a lecturer at DIS Copenhagen for three years teaching intro data science and deep learning courses. I learned some things about communicating. I maintain open source Python libraries, notably Infostop and Netwulf. I developed a Bayesian MMM python package at Precis Digital which is now in production and delivers marketing performance insights for many major brands.

I currently work as an independent. I mainly consult with clients on marketing analytics related problems, but I have extensive experience in the broader domains of machine learning, AI, data visualization, and statistics, and I get excited over high-value difficult applied mathematics problems, so do reach out ☕️.