I thought it would be fun to make a small visualization of the temporal
Twitter network that so elegantly emerges, persists and vanish in the
time of the NetSci conference.
Each node is a user that has tweeted or retweeted using the
hashag. Links are formed or incremented when one user likes another
user's tweet. Areas scale with in-strength.
Below the network there is a BRUSH bar, and it controls time. You can
drag it around by its edges to widen or shorten the temporal layer, or
simply pan it to inspect changes over time. I dare you to press the
▶ button.
If you tweeted at NetSci 2018, you are probably one of the nodes in this
network. Enter your own Twitter handle in the text input cell and your
name will light up.
Overall it's clear that the liked and retweeted nodes were
(who co-hosted the conference with
@cosnet_bifi, and that the most mentioned node is
There's not much else to it.
on Github.
- Ulf Aslak